Denominational Links
WPC is affiliated with the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC). We are in the Presbytery of the Northwest, which includes congregations in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Alberta.
"Professing your Faith": a study course on what we profess to be true: Jesus as Savior and what you must do to be saved.
Confessions and Catechisms: what we believe as expressed by the Church throughout history.
WPC Liturgical Guide
A Background to Liturgy (double-sided, 2-fold pamphlet PDF). Available to pick up in our foyer.
To print on a duplex printer, please choose "short-edge binding" double-sided-printing option, if available.
Discussion Guide for The Wonderful Works of God
One of Pastor Williams’s favorite works is Herman Bavinck’s The Wonderful Works of God. To aid interested readers, he has written a discussion guide for small groups, which is available as a free download from the publisher’s site (if that link doesn’t work, look for “Free Download: Discussion Guide (PDF)” under PRODUCT INFORMATION for the book on